Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Guidelines for Online Tutors- First Impression

We Learn...

  • 10%...of What We Read
  • 20%...of What We Hear
  • 30%...of What We See
  • 50%...of What We See and Hear
  • 70%...of What We Discuss With Others
  • 80%...of What We Experience Personally
  • 95%...of What We Teach Others

William Glasser

It has been estimated that it takes only three or four minutes for the average person to form a positive or negative first impression.

Make that first meeting with your tutee a positive experience.

  • Be consistent in body, voice and words.
  • Establishing rapport with your tutee is very important. You can help create a good rapport by listening patiently and remaining open to what the tutee has to say.

It is also important to know why the student has requested tutoring.

  • Some students know exactly where they are having trouble.
  • Some students point out general areas of difficulty.
  • Some students can only vaguely describe the source of their confusion.

To help these students, simply ask them where they are having problems.

  • It could be that they fear the subject because of past failure.
  • Because it is a requirement; therefore they have no interest in the subject.
  • The students could also be lacking confidence in their ability to master the material, or they could be overwhelmed by the time requirements imposed on them for this particular class.
  • The reason for the tutoring request is important because it will give you a focus to plan your future tutoring sessions.


butterfly Surya said...


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Keep it up..

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

I found the Best e tutoring website providing the first tutors best for learning any language by skype..

Joined this program here a week ago and got to know about several mistakes that I do very often..

Completely satisfied from the sessions and the lessons provided and they are helping me very much in learning the language...

Preply is a great platform for getting good tutors help especially for learning International Languages.

I highly recommend it..

Must use this for learning any International Language.... http://preply.com/en